Valley Veg has formed a committee
to explore establishing a vegan cohousing community in the
Pioneer Valley. Cohousing is a planned residential community composed of
private home on a large community-owned property with shared
facilities. There are over a dozen cohousing communities in
Massachusetts. This would be the first vegan cohousing community.

Our vegan cohousing community would
have multi-family and clustered dwellings, including residences
suitable for older vegans. It would include a common house with a dining
room and kitchen, and other shared facilities such a library, guest
rooms, exercise room, and gardens. The community would be planned, owned
and managed by the residents, who can share in decision-making and
social activities.
To learn more, please see our community documents:
If you are interested, please take the Valley Veg Cohousing Committee survey.
If you are interested, please take the Valley Veg Cohousing Committee survey.