News & Upcoming VEG events in & around the Valley:
For updates and announcements, please join the Valley Vegan Society Google Group and the Valley Vegan & Vegetarian Meetup Group

Valley Vegan Society Potluck Dinner
Sunday, March 10, 2019 at 5:30 PM
Cafe Evolution
22 Chestnut Street, Florence
Bring a vegan dish to share which can feed 6-8 people (main dish, side dish or dessert - no meat, dairy, eggs, or honey).
Please also bring your own place setting, and a card with the ingredients of your dish, to help out folks with allergies or special diets. There is a suggested donation of $2 per person to help cover costs.

Valley Vegfest returns
to J.F.K. Middle School in Northampton on Saturday, April 7th, and will
again feature great speakers, exhibitors, and vendors. Sponsor
and exhibitor applications are now being accepted. Learn more...

Meeting to discuss our planned vegan cohousing community
Sunday, September 18th at 2:00
Pathways Cohousing Common House
Mountain Laurel Path, 600 Florence Road, Florence, MA
Continued discussion of our proposed vegan residential community in the Northamtpon area. This month we are being hosted by our friends at Pathways Cohousing in Florence.
Sunday, September 18th at 2:00
Pathways Cohousing Common House
Mountain Laurel Path, 600 Florence Road, Florence, MA
Continued discussion of our proposed vegan residential community in the Northamtpon area. This month we are being hosted by our friends at Pathways Cohousing in Florence.
An Evening With Dr. Will Tuttle
Friday, August 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM Eastworks Community Room 116 Pleasant Street in Easthampton Join Dr. Will Tuttle, author of The World Peace Diet, in a provocative and insightful exploration into the connections between spiritual practice and our daily lives. Refreshments will be served beginning at 6:30PM a donation of $10 is suggested, all are welcome |

Valley Vegfest 2015 will take place on March 28,
and will feature passionate speakers, vegan food vendors, veg-friendly
products and services, and non-profit organizations dedicated to
animal welfare, healthy living, and environmental advocacy.
Last year, over 1,100 people attended the first ever Valley Vegfest. The event will again take place at J.F.K. Middle School on Bridge Road in Northampton, from 10:00 - 4:00. _
Last year, over 1,100 people attended the first ever Valley Vegfest. The event will again take place at J.F.K. Middle School on Bridge Road in Northampton, from 10:00 - 4:00. _

Project Nim Film Screening and Primate Sanctuary Talk with Bob Ingersoll
WMARA, AASC and Valley Animal Liberation present a wonderful evening of primates with world renowned primatologist Robert Ingersoll, including a screening of the HBO documentary Project Nim.
Friday, March 6, 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Smith College, 10 Elm St, Northampton
WMARA, AASC and Valley Animal Liberation present a wonderful evening of primates with world renowned primatologist Robert Ingersoll, including a screening of the HBO documentary Project Nim.
Friday, March 6, 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Smith College, 10 Elm St, Northampton

Hear from
EIGHT NATIONALLY and GLOBALLY recognized leaders in the field of Anti
Vivisection! The lecture series is on 3 Sundays (January 18,
February 15, March 15) from 3-7 at Cafe Evolution in Florence and will
be a series of Skyped presentations from the brightest and most
dedicated activists around the world. See the Facebook event page for workshop descriptions and speaker bios.
Annual Living Thanksgiving Celebration
November 27th, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.
United Methodist Church, 6 Holmes Road, Lenox, MA
November 27th, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.
United Methodist Church, 6 Holmes Road, Lenox, MA

November Events at Smith College
- Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret - Movie
Saturday, November 1, at 7:00 pm - Speciesism: The Movie with Q&A with director Mark Devries - Sunday, November 9, at 7:00 pm
- Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary: Healing Against All Odds - Short Film, Presentation, Q&A with Founder and Executive Director - Saturday, November 15, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Annual Meeting and Planning Meeting
Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of Valley Veg, Inc All are welcome to attend
Saturday, October 19, 6:00
A Valley Vegfest planning meeting will take place around 6:30, following the annual meeting.
Cafe Evolution, 22 Chestnut Street, Florence
Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of Valley Veg, Inc All are welcome to attend
Saturday, October 19, 6:00
A Valley Vegfest planning meeting will take place around 6:30, following the annual meeting.
Cafe Evolution, 22 Chestnut Street, Florence

Vigil for Primates in Laboratories
Vigil for the 45 primates primates kept at UMass Amherst in labs and others across our nation and around the world.
Saturday, October 18, 5:45 - 6:45
UMass Student Union, Hicks Way, Amherst
Vigil for the 45 primates primates kept at UMass Amherst in labs and others across our nation and around the world.
Saturday, October 18, 5:45 - 6:45
UMass Student Union, Hicks Way, Amherst

Film Screenings:
The Ghosts In Our Machine
The Ghosts In Our Machine illuminates the lives of individual animals living within and rescued from the machine of our modern world.
Through the heart and photographic lens of acclaimed animal photographer Jo-Anne McArthur, we become intimately familiar with a cast of non-human animals.
The film follows McArthur over the course of a year as she photographs several animal stories in parts of Canada, the U.S. and in Europe. Each story is a window into global animal industries: Food, Fashion, Entertainment and Research.
Two locations:
WHEN: Tuesday, September 9, 2014
WHERE: Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield Public Library, 1 Wendell Ave., Pittsfield
Show Time 7:00pm - Doors open at 6:30pm. Refreshments to follow.
Presented by Western MA Animal Rights Advocates (WMARA)
WHEN: Thursday, September 11, 2014
WHERE: Florence Civic Center, 90 Park Street, Florence
Show Time 6:30pm - Doors open at 6pm. Refreshments to follow.
Presented by Ashtanga Yoga Northampton (formerly Florence Yoga) and Western MA Animal Rights Advocates (WMARA)
* Admission is FREE for both showings!
The Ghosts In Our Machine
The Ghosts In Our Machine illuminates the lives of individual animals living within and rescued from the machine of our modern world.
Through the heart and photographic lens of acclaimed animal photographer Jo-Anne McArthur, we become intimately familiar with a cast of non-human animals.
The film follows McArthur over the course of a year as she photographs several animal stories in parts of Canada, the U.S. and in Europe. Each story is a window into global animal industries: Food, Fashion, Entertainment and Research.
Two locations:
WHEN: Tuesday, September 9, 2014
WHERE: Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield Public Library, 1 Wendell Ave., Pittsfield
Show Time 7:00pm - Doors open at 6:30pm. Refreshments to follow.
Presented by Western MA Animal Rights Advocates (WMARA)
WHEN: Thursday, September 11, 2014
WHERE: Florence Civic Center, 90 Park Street, Florence
Show Time 6:30pm - Doors open at 6pm. Refreshments to follow.
Presented by Ashtanga Yoga Northampton (formerly Florence Yoga) and Western MA Animal Rights Advocates (WMARA)
* Admission is FREE for both showings!

Dinner and Bikes!
Thursday, June 5, 2014 | 7pm-9pm
VFW, 18 Meadow St, Florence, MA
Please join us on Thursday June 5 at the Florence, MA VFW, from 7pm to 9pm for a traveling road show of vegan food and bicycle inspiration. Joshua Ploeg will delight with a vegan and gluten free buffet dinner, Elly Blue will present about Bikenomics and the economic case for bicycling, and Joe Biel will show a program of short films about bicycle activism. The event is followed with a book signing and time for questions, discussion of local issues, and perusing the traveling bookstore.
Admission cost: $10 pre-registration, or $15 at the door includes dinner. Register here.
Thursday, June 5, 2014 | 7pm-9pm
VFW, 18 Meadow St, Florence, MA
Please join us on Thursday June 5 at the Florence, MA VFW, from 7pm to 9pm for a traveling road show of vegan food and bicycle inspiration. Joshua Ploeg will delight with a vegan and gluten free buffet dinner, Elly Blue will present about Bikenomics and the economic case for bicycling, and Joe Biel will show a program of short films about bicycle activism. The event is followed with a book signing and time for questions, discussion of local issues, and perusing the traveling bookstore.
Admission cost: $10 pre-registration, or $15 at the door includes dinner. Register here.

Puppy Place Protest!
Sunday, June 8, 2014 | 1pm-3pm
Next to Carrabba's Grill, Riverdale Shops
935 Riverdale St. West Springfield, MA
Join WMARA and other animal advocates in their campaign to close a pet store in West Springfield that sells dogs from puppy mills. The store was forced to close for six months in 2007 due to unsafe and unsanitary conditions for the animals, and the owners have been banned from selling dogs in CT after violating the Animal Welfare Act on numerous occasions. Encourage everyone to adopt, not shop! Help end puppy mill cruelty by passing an ordinance in West Springfield banning the sale of puppies, joining over 50 cities around the country (including most recently Chicaco!) with a ban on the books. For more information, please contact Sheryl.
Sunday, June 8, 2014 | 1pm-3pm
Next to Carrabba's Grill, Riverdale Shops
935 Riverdale St. West Springfield, MA
Join WMARA and other animal advocates in their campaign to close a pet store in West Springfield that sells dogs from puppy mills. The store was forced to close for six months in 2007 due to unsafe and unsanitary conditions for the animals, and the owners have been banned from selling dogs in CT after violating the Animal Welfare Act on numerous occasions. Encourage everyone to adopt, not shop! Help end puppy mill cruelty by passing an ordinance in West Springfield banning the sale of puppies, joining over 50 cities around the country (including most recently Chicaco!) with a ban on the books. For more information, please contact Sheryl.

Western Mass. Animal Rights Advocates (WMARA)
Monthly Meeting (third Thursdays)
Thursday, June 19, 2014 | 6pm-7:30pm
Cafe Evolution, Florence, MA
*optional social dinner from 5-6PM (cafe closes at 6pm)
AGENDA ITEMS (from last month):
Monthly Meeting (third Thursdays)
Thursday, June 19, 2014 | 6pm-7:30pm
Cafe Evolution, Florence, MA
*optional social dinner from 5-6PM (cafe closes at 6pm)
AGENDA ITEMS (from last month):
- Past month's news/events
- Berkshire Voters for Animals (BVA) - New group in Pittsfield founded by Shrila. Join on Facebook!
- Legislation
- Farm Bill (H. 1456) - Sarah Cruse
- - please sign!
- Boston Rally - Thurs. May 15th, Noon. If you care about farm animal welfare here's your opportunity to make history. A pork producer on the North Shore wants to start using gestation crates. Don't let it happen! And please spread the word!
- Leafleting (& tabling?) - Fri., 5/23, 4:30, Noho (in front of Faces). Will schedule more at meeting.
- Please feel free to copy and distribute flyer! (see attachment)
- Other bills -
- The Puppy Place campaign
- Protest - Sun., May 18th, 1-3, entrance to Riverdale Shops, West Springfield (in front of Raymour & Flanagan)!
- We still need someone willing to speak to WGGB about their Puppy Place dog's health/behavioral issues. Please ask around. Thank you!
- Write mayor, city council & mall owner (see agenda)
- The Big E ( -
- Big E Subcommittee meeting - May 18th, 3:30-5:00, Hutch's house (127 Plain St., Easthampton). All are welcome!
- Please write Coca-Cola, urging them NOT to sponsor the circus (Royal Hanneford) again:
- Film Screenings - Please email Shrila if you'd like to help at
- Vegan dinner event - June 5th, Florence. See
- Vegan Power 50K - June 14th, Pittsfield. Volunteers needed! Please contact Ana Wolf at

Vegan Meetup: Brunch @ Haymarket
Saturday, June 21, 2014 | 11:30am
185 Main Street, Northampton
Join the new vegan meetup group this month for brunch at the Haymarket, a cozy all-veg favorite in the valley with great vegan options and amazing juice elixirs. For more info or to RSVP on Meetup, go to:
Saturday, June 21, 2014 | 11:30am
185 Main Street, Northampton
Join the new vegan meetup group this month for brunch at the Haymarket, a cozy all-veg favorite in the valley with great vegan options and amazing juice elixirs. For more info or to RSVP on Meetup, go to:

Vegan Meetup: Vegan Pizza @ Hungry Ghost Bread!
Saturday, May 24, 2014 | 5pm
62 State Street, Northampton
Join the new vegan meetup group this month for vegan pizza at Hungry Ghost! We didn't even know they had pizza! For more info or to RSVP on Meetup, go to:
Saturday, May 24, 2014 | 5pm
62 State Street, Northampton
Join the new vegan meetup group this month for vegan pizza at Hungry Ghost! We didn't even know they had pizza! For more info or to RSVP on Meetup, go to:

Film Screening @ Forbes Library!
WMARA and AASC present:
Meat the Truth
Saturday, April 12, 2014 | 3pm-4:30pm
Northampton, MA
In honor of Earth Day, join us for this expose on the impact of animal agriculture on the environment and global climate change. This is not a graphic documentary but does speak to the environmental implications of the food choices we make. This event is sponsored by Western Mass. Animal Rights Advocates (WMARA) and Animal Advocates of Smith College (AASC). Discussion and refreshments to follow the film.
WMARA and AASC present:
Meat the Truth
Saturday, April 12, 2014 | 3pm-4:30pm
Northampton, MA
In honor of Earth Day, join us for this expose on the impact of animal agriculture on the environment and global climate change. This is not a graphic documentary but does speak to the environmental implications of the food choices we make. This event is sponsored by Western Mass. Animal Rights Advocates (WMARA) and Animal Advocates of Smith College (AASC). Discussion and refreshments to follow the film.
Thanks to everyone who attended the first-ever valley vegfest!
Please tell us what you thought on our online survey.
We hope you enjoyed the day!

New Vegan/Vegetarian Meetup Group!
Brunch @ Christine's Bean Sprout, Easthampton
Sunday, March 23, 2014 | 10am-1pm
Join a new vegan meetup group for a brunch buffet this month at Christine's Bean Sprout, one of our favorite all-veg cafes in the Valley! For more info or to RSVP on Meetup, go to:
Brunch @ Christine's Bean Sprout, Easthampton
Sunday, March 23, 2014 | 10am-1pm
Join a new vegan meetup group for a brunch buffet this month at Christine's Bean Sprout, one of our favorite all-veg cafes in the Valley! For more info or to RSVP on Meetup, go to:
Animal Advocates of Smith College Present:
Pattrice Jones
WMARA Protest:
Commerford Petting Zoo
Saturday, Feb 22 & Sunday, Feb 23 from 1-3pm, Eastern States Exposition, Gate 9
1305 Memorial Avenue, West Springfield, MA
Commerford Zoo has wild/exotic animals, many from tropical climates (kangaroo, elephants, zebra, monkeys, etc.), and even has elephant rides. These animals are improperly cared for and must endure filthy, cramped, isolated conditions while traveling very long distances. Many can't even stretch their legs out when traveling. Also, this zoo is unsafe. They have violated the Animal Welfare Act countless times (see In this long list is inadequate veterinary care, failure to maintain enclosures and transport trailers, failure to have an attendant present during periods of public contact, improper feeding, and poor housekeeping. An elephant with Commerford has been involved in three dangerous incidents while giving rides to children, causing injuries.
Thanks for speaking up for the animals!! For more info contact Sheryl
Commerford Petting Zoo
Saturday, Feb 22 & Sunday, Feb 23 from 1-3pm, Eastern States Exposition, Gate 9
1305 Memorial Avenue, West Springfield, MA
Commerford Zoo has wild/exotic animals, many from tropical climates (kangaroo, elephants, zebra, monkeys, etc.), and even has elephant rides. These animals are improperly cared for and must endure filthy, cramped, isolated conditions while traveling very long distances. Many can't even stretch their legs out when traveling. Also, this zoo is unsafe. They have violated the Animal Welfare Act countless times (see In this long list is inadequate veterinary care, failure to maintain enclosures and transport trailers, failure to have an attendant present during periods of public contact, improper feeding, and poor housekeeping. An elephant with Commerford has been involved in three dangerous incidents while giving rides to children, causing injuries.
- Come to a protest! Signs will be provided or make your own!
- Write letters to the editor (ASAP)! Mention the numerous violations of the AWA and the inhumane, unsafe conditions...for both the animals and humans. Urge people not to support such cruelty and put their children at risk of injury and illness by attending this event.
- The Republican - (Include name, address, email address, & phone)
- The Hampshire Gazette -
- The Valley Advocate - (No more than 250 words. Must be signed!)
- The Reminder -
- Eastern States Exposition -
Thanks for speaking up for the animals!! For more info contact Sheryl

WMARA Protest: The Puppy Place
935 Riverdale St., West Springfield
Feb. 16th, 2014 1-3pm
Help us shut down West Springfield's Puppy Place, where numerous violations of animal welfare have been cited. The Puppy Place is a perfect example of petstore cruelty, as it has violated the AWA so many times it was forced to close down in 2008, yet allowed to reopen 6 months later. The chain was also issued a cease & desist order in CT after countless violations (and stricter regulations) in that state. Exposing these shocking facts to potential customers is crucial. More information from this article -
"Disease control issues are some of several reasons the state of Massachusetts has taken action against The Dog House II and another store recently opened in the state by the same owners -- The PuppyPlace in West Springfield.
On March 20, the Department of Agricultural Resources issued a cease and desist order against the owners Richard and Chris Carty of Connecticut, prohibiting them from operating a pet shop of any kind in the Commonwealth.
The agency said it is the first time it has done this in its 155-year history.
The Cartys appealed, but the state said that The Dog House II still cannot sell puppies.
The Puppy Place has been allowed to open under a number of conditions, and the state said the store is 'on a short leash.'"
And to make matters worse, countless stories of The Puppy Place lying to customers about the puppies' medical conditions and their origin have been posted online (and told to us)! They've been selling very ill dogs, many with no shots, from puppy mills, and not telling customers. We've heard horror stories about the shop from people just walking, one of which was nearly in tears having to return a puppy with his son, as he could not afford the enormous vet. bills necessary to save the puppy's life. He too was told the puppy was in "good health."
We also found their claim that their dogs do not come from puppy mills" to be false. A WMARA member was given a breeder's name (Wanda Kretzman) by the manager, who claimed that she was a "reputable licensed breeder, not a puppy mill breeder. We then found online that she is one of the most notorious puppy mill breeders in the country and has been continuously cited for AWA violations. Please see
See customers' comments, some in great anguish, at:
By the way, if you haven't already seen, we were in a local paper, The Reminder, a few months ago - Hopefully that was just the beginning.
We have recently been contacted by the media and are expecting them at this upcoming protest so your attendance is especially important. Help shut this place down for GOOD!
935 Riverdale St., West Springfield
Feb. 16th, 2014 1-3pm
Help us shut down West Springfield's Puppy Place, where numerous violations of animal welfare have been cited. The Puppy Place is a perfect example of petstore cruelty, as it has violated the AWA so many times it was forced to close down in 2008, yet allowed to reopen 6 months later. The chain was also issued a cease & desist order in CT after countless violations (and stricter regulations) in that state. Exposing these shocking facts to potential customers is crucial. More information from this article -
"Disease control issues are some of several reasons the state of Massachusetts has taken action against The Dog House II and another store recently opened in the state by the same owners -- The PuppyPlace in West Springfield.
On March 20, the Department of Agricultural Resources issued a cease and desist order against the owners Richard and Chris Carty of Connecticut, prohibiting them from operating a pet shop of any kind in the Commonwealth.
The agency said it is the first time it has done this in its 155-year history.
The Cartys appealed, but the state said that The Dog House II still cannot sell puppies.
The Puppy Place has been allowed to open under a number of conditions, and the state said the store is 'on a short leash.'"
And to make matters worse, countless stories of The Puppy Place lying to customers about the puppies' medical conditions and their origin have been posted online (and told to us)! They've been selling very ill dogs, many with no shots, from puppy mills, and not telling customers. We've heard horror stories about the shop from people just walking, one of which was nearly in tears having to return a puppy with his son, as he could not afford the enormous vet. bills necessary to save the puppy's life. He too was told the puppy was in "good health."
We also found their claim that their dogs do not come from puppy mills" to be false. A WMARA member was given a breeder's name (Wanda Kretzman) by the manager, who claimed that she was a "reputable licensed breeder, not a puppy mill breeder. We then found online that she is one of the most notorious puppy mill breeders in the country and has been continuously cited for AWA violations. Please see
See customers' comments, some in great anguish, at:
By the way, if you haven't already seen, we were in a local paper, The Reminder, a few months ago - Hopefully that was just the beginning.
We have recently been contacted by the media and are expecting them at this upcoming protest so your attendance is especially important. Help shut this place down for GOOD!
Animal Advocates of Smith College Present:
James McWilliams
"Veganism for Omnivores"
Saturday, December 7th - 6:30pm
Campus Center 103-104, Smith College
Northampton, MA
more info
* Berkshire Vegan Network *
Annual Living Thanksgiving Celebration
November 28th, 2013
United Methodist Church Of Lenox, MA
please rsvp by Nov. 22
Free Birds?
Free Birds,
a new animated film in theaters this Thanksgiving, tells the tale of
two birds who go on an epic time-traveling adventure to try and get
turkeys off the menu... for good! Join Farm Animal Rights Movement
(FARM) and help raise public awareness about the truth behind turkey
farming. Celebrate a compassionate holiday season this year and
leave the animals off your plate... Thanksgiving FOR the birds!
Francis Crowe Community Room
Northampton, MA
October 19-20, 2013
Northampton, MA
October 19-20, 2013
WMARA Protests:
Commerford Petting Zoo & Royal Hanneford Circus @ the Eastern States Exposition, Sept. 13-29th 2013
The Big E ( is back, Sept. 13th-29th. We'll be protesting certain exhibits (animals in entertainment). Please either sign up on Facebook( or let me know when you plan to attend. Thanks! Our Big E pictures from the past two years:, These are the exhibits we will be protesting:
PLEASE try to attend at least one protest...the animals are counting on you! Hope to see you there!
- Commerford & Sons Petting Zoo ( - elephant, camel, & pony rides, zebra, kangaroo, lemurs, and other exotic animals. Also has animals on display in trailers ("Unicow", “Porky the Giant Pig”, "World's Largest Horse", “World's Smallest Horse”) - Animals are kept in tiny isolated trailers to be gawked at. Extremely cruel and degrading.
- Long list of AWA violations & accidents/incidents -
- Royal Hanneford Circus ( - elephants, tigers, bears, etc.
- Also has many AWA violations & accidents/incidents -
- "Bear Country" trailer (no site) - Bear exhibit with 4 adult bears in one trailer 24/7.
- Directions at
- Please prepare for heavy traffic and bring a few dollars ($5-$10) for parking (or put your walking shoes on!).
- Please let me know if you'd like to carpool or post it on our Facebook page. (I'd be glad to bring a few people from my place, just a few mi. from The Big E and split the parking cost. Just let me know and I'll send you directions).
- WRITE LETTERS TO EDITOR! This is SO very important. We must educate folks prior to the event, making them reconsider attending, or at least supporting, the exhibits we're protesting. You can also write after the event, expressing your dismay. I have attached a "proto letter to the editor" to help you write a good letter. Also attached is my letter to the editor about Commerford Petting Zoo that was printed in The Hampshire Gazette in Feb. 2013 (before it was at Big E again).
- The Republican - (Must include name, address, email address, and phone #. Should be brief and may be edited, condensed, and published in any medium).
- The Hampshire Gazette -
- The Valley Advocate - (Priority is to print letters responding to stories they’ve published. No more than 250 words. Must be signed!)
- The Reminder -
- The Agawam Advertiser -
- WRITE SPONSORS! Urge them to NOT sponsor such cruel exhibits and mention the AWA violations. I attached a helpful template for writing a circus or petting zoo sponsor.
- Commerford’s Petting Zoo - Master Spas,
- Mention accidents/incidents, in addition to violations. This zoo is not just cruel, but dangerous.
- Royal Hanneford Circus - Coca-Cola,
PLEASE try to attend at least one protest...the animals are counting on you! Hope to see you there!
WMARA - Recent Letters to the Editor:
Here are three terrific recent letters to the editor in local papers:
To the editor:
I am writing to alert readers about a horrific event coming up at the Mass Mutual Center, sponsored by MGM Springfield: Bull Riding. With all the talk of bullying in the news, many people realize that’s exactly what is happening to the bulls exploited by bull riders.
They are teased, shocked with electric prods and assaulted into “action” while they are wearing bucking straps around their groin area. The bulls buck uncontrollably from such torment, in a futile attempt to escape the torture. The painful strap is only loosened once they have thrown the rider. The strap can cause bloody open wounds which investigators have found at most rodeo and bull riding events.
This animal abuse portrayed as sport is promoted as a family event, where children can cheer alongside adults as animals are dominated and brutalized. What does this teach our children?
Please contact the Mass Mutual Center and MGM Springfield to say no to this terrible animal abuse.
Joanne Ehret
Friday, August 30, 2013 (Published in print: Saturday, August 31, 2013)
To the editor:
I am writing to urge your readers to boycott the petting zoo at the Three County Fair. The zoo’s owners, R.W. Commerford & Sons, have been cited numerous times for animal cruelty and violating animal welfare laws.
The animals in these petting zoos suffer tremendously. They are carted from town to town in small pens and cages. They live in almost constant states of discomfort, pain, depression and anxiety. When they are on display, they may have no rest, no shade, no respite from constant human gaze and contact.
The sole elephant in captivity is perhaps the saddest sight of them all. Elephants are highly intelligent beings, with emotional lives, meant to live in large social groups, roaming over thousands of acres of land.
In captivity, they can develop TB, painful leg and hoof diseases and profound depression.
What possible human pleasure or amusement could justify this? These animals deserve our compassion.
Susan Sachs
Thanks for speaking out for the animals with LTE's...that reaches SO many people. :)
Now let's send LTE's about The Big E!
- Letter about MLK and animal rights in The Advocate 9/3! (at bottom) -
- Letter about bullriding in The Hampshire gazette (thanks Joanne!) -
To the editor:
I am writing to alert readers about a horrific event coming up at the Mass Mutual Center, sponsored by MGM Springfield: Bull Riding. With all the talk of bullying in the news, many people realize that’s exactly what is happening to the bulls exploited by bull riders.
They are teased, shocked with electric prods and assaulted into “action” while they are wearing bucking straps around their groin area. The bulls buck uncontrollably from such torment, in a futile attempt to escape the torture. The painful strap is only loosened once they have thrown the rider. The strap can cause bloody open wounds which investigators have found at most rodeo and bull riding events.
This animal abuse portrayed as sport is promoted as a family event, where children can cheer alongside adults as animals are dominated and brutalized. What does this teach our children?
Please contact the Mass Mutual Center and MGM Springfield to say no to this terrible animal abuse.
Joanne Ehret
- Letter about Commerford at Three County Fair in The Gazette 8/31 - "Susan Sachs: Petting zoo at fair not proper way to treat animals",
Friday, August 30, 2013 (Published in print: Saturday, August 31, 2013)
To the editor:
I am writing to urge your readers to boycott the petting zoo at the Three County Fair. The zoo’s owners, R.W. Commerford & Sons, have been cited numerous times for animal cruelty and violating animal welfare laws.
The animals in these petting zoos suffer tremendously. They are carted from town to town in small pens and cages. They live in almost constant states of discomfort, pain, depression and anxiety. When they are on display, they may have no rest, no shade, no respite from constant human gaze and contact.
The sole elephant in captivity is perhaps the saddest sight of them all. Elephants are highly intelligent beings, with emotional lives, meant to live in large social groups, roaming over thousands of acres of land.
In captivity, they can develop TB, painful leg and hoof diseases and profound depression.
What possible human pleasure or amusement could justify this? These animals deserve our compassion.
Susan Sachs
Thanks for speaking out for the animals with LTE's...that reaches SO many people. :)
Now let's send LTE's about The Big E!
Upcoming Public Hearings for Animal Rights Legislation:

Massachusetts law makers want to know what the public thinks about a bill that will protect farm animals from cruel confinement systems. Let’s make sure they hear from us and know we support the bill! Please join the HSUS, ASPCA, MSPCA, COK, MFA and many other incredible advocates for a public hearing on July 9th. Stand with us and stand up for farm animals.
We’ll have a reception at the State House before the hearing to chat with you and discuss this important legislation!
HEARING DETAILS (subject to change)
When: July 9th, Noon
Where: Massachusetts State House (24 Beacon St Boston, MA 02133)
Massachusetts law makers want to know what the public thinks about a bill that will protect farm animals from cruel confinement systems. Let’s make sure they hear from us and know we support the bill! Please join the HSUS, ASPCA, MSPCA, COK, MFA and many other incredible advocates for a public hearing on July 9th. Stand with us and stand up for farm animals.
We’ll have a reception at the State House before the hearing to chat with you and discuss this important legislation!
HEARING DETAILS (subject to change)
When: July 9th, Noon
Where: Massachusetts State House (24 Beacon St Boston, MA 02133)
End Gestation Crate Cruelty:
Protest Walmart in Springfield, MA on June 28, 2013

Following a
Mercy For Animals undercover investigation exposing shocking animal
abuse at a major Walmart pork supplier, we are now calling on the
world's largest retailer to require its suppliers to phase out
inherently cruel gestation crates. Join Mercy For Animals in
Springfield for an eye-catching protest outside a Walmart store.
Protestors will be joined by a 10-foot-tall, inflatable pig, covered in
bloody sores and crammed inside a tiny gestation crate.
Signs, banners, and leaflets will be provided. Media is expected at the event, so please dress professionally. Encourage your friends and family to join you at this peaceful protest. And, before attending, please be sure to sign MFA's petition urging Walmart executives to phase out gestation crates, and then share the petition and undercover video with others. For more details about the campaign, visit
For additional details about the event, please email Jeni Haines, national campaign coordinator, at or call 916-934-9460.
Where: Outside Walmart at 1105 Boston Rd. (on public sidewalk off Boston Rd.), Springfield, MA
When: Friday, June 28, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Signs, banners, and leaflets will be provided. Media is expected at the event, so please dress professionally. Encourage your friends and family to join you at this peaceful protest. And, before attending, please be sure to sign MFA's petition urging Walmart executives to phase out gestation crates, and then share the petition and undercover video with others. For more details about the campaign, visit
For additional details about the event, please email Jeni Haines, national campaign coordinator, at or call 916-934-9460.
Where: Outside Walmart at 1105 Boston Rd. (on public sidewalk off Boston Rd.), Springfield, MA
When: Friday, June 28, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.